Date – 14 Oct 2007. Place – Udyan Prasad Marriage Hall, Khajina Vihir Chowk Pune.411030
Contact - Grahankit Office व रोहिणी बुक डेपो- 020 – 24455838 &
विंग कमांडर (नि) ओक - A – 4/ 404 Ganga Hamlet Society, Viman Nagar, Pune. 411014..
Mob: 098819 01049 (Oak)
ई मेल – shashioak@gmail.com, shashikantoak@yahoo.co.in
Minutes of Conference and News Report on Successful conduct of honouring of Naadi Maharahies in Naadi Palm Leaf Conference In Pune
A conference on Naadi Palm Leaf Astrology was conducted on 14th Oct 2007 in Pune at Udyan Prasad Karyalaya, from 1300hrs to 1830hrs.
The Beginning
Wing Commander welcomed the Naadi Centre owners and staff from Pune and many cities of Maharashtra. List of Centres invited is attached as Appendix ‘A’
Shri. Chandrakant Shewale, Chief Organiser of the conference lit the lamps along with Mrs. Alka Oak, Prof Adwayanand Galtage. Chanting of Mantras from Vedas and Upanishads was conducted by Dr. Nityanand Deshmukh and Party.
The second edition of book titled “Vidgyan Aani Buddhiwaad”(The Science and Rationalism) was released by the present on the stage. Staff like Naadi readers, translators and Table Managers and helpers except owners of Naadi centres were honoured with a special trophy, a Uparna (Scarf), Flower and Gaurav Patra (. Letter of Honour).
Desks were provided in other Hall to the Naadi centres to register the names for their Centres with concession of Rs 50 per person.( Normal fees charges were Rs 400 to Rs 600) Many new persons got opportunity to register at many centres in Pune and other cities in one go. However no Naadi Reading was conducted.
Books Fare
Stalls from Books shops were doing brisk business to sell thousands of rupees worth books on Naadi predictions by Wing Commander Oak in Marathi, Hindi and English and other authors. List of books for sale is attached as Appendix ‘B’
Auditorium Activity
Dr. Dada Wani, Chief Engineer, Of Army Sub Areas Head Qtrs, Southern Command. He covered general features of Naadi reading and out line of Chapters Etc. Due to paucity of time no demonstration of some sample leaves in public was conducted. In previous times some random leaves were read and names and other details were read out aloud to indicate how the persons from different countries and religions were no exception to Naadi Maharshees. In one such loud reading a leaf was found accidentally. A girl, who happened to be present just out of curiosity, said ‘Yes’ to all that was called out loudly. Later she was summoned to the stage and got her leaf reading in front of many present.
Tea and snacks
It is observed that the topic of Naadi Experiences generally not disclosed unless some sort of intimacy is developed. Therefore, full one hour was planned to provide tea and snacks while the participants freely exchange their experiences informally. The experiment was successful to a good extent.
Unique Experiences
The personalities mentioned in my book having strange and unique instances spoke with authority. Participants were Wing Commander Rakesh Nanda, Pheroze Misty, Rajan Vaidya, and Subhash Havre. Some present were given chance to speak were Kaustubh Butala, Vijay Sabnis, Magician Vijay Kumar.
Wing Commander Rakesh Nanda spoke how he used to help people from any part of country when called over on his Mobile Nos. From Air Martial to even Havildars, how he had served with out any personal gains but as a service to the Maharshees. Pheroze narrated how he mistook his Puja in one of Shiva Temple. He had to go again to perform it with same reverence and faith. How he was rewarded with many opportunities to him and his family members. His pilgrimage to Sadurgiri, 150 kms south of Madurai.
Subhash Havre stated how he is still fighting fit after nine (9) heart Attacks and admission in famous Ruby Hospital in Pune. How he learnt the Modi Lipi (cryptic Script in Marathi) and stood first in Pune University. How he was guided to administer siddha medicines as per predictions from Leaves. He also distributed more than 100 laminated pictures of Agasthya Maharshi. Vijay Sabnis narrated his experiences and of others whom he took to Atri Jeeva Naadi in Chinchwad Centre.
Magician enthralled with his trick to produce a note out of nothing but he said his trick is nothing in front of divining of exact details by great Maharshees of ancient past.
The session was to cut short to allow Wing Commander Oak to speak about he suggestions he had put forth for implementation by the Naadi Centres. The points were read out in Marathi. The same with English version were asked to put up in Naadi Centres along with Trophy presented to them at prominent Place. The list of suggestions is attached as Appendix ‘C’.
The Burning topic of some participants was – Why predictions go wrong? ‘How come the past of person comes 100% accurate whereas the future events do not come true as predicted?
It was not possible to provide satisfactory answer to each and every one. But the topic has been clearly explained by Prof. Adwayanand Galatge in his Marathi book- (विज्ञान आणि अंधश्रद्धा निर्मुलन) – ‘Science and Blind Faith Eradication’.
Wing Commander Oak proved the point that the purpose of Great Maharshees was not only to divine 100% accurate predictions but to a great extent make the karma theory happen smoothly. He gave a live example of late Flying Officer Dhananjay Mote.
The explanation in Marathi is attached as Appendix ‘D’. How the divining on palm leaves is extremely impossible explained in Appendix ‘E’. English version of both will be put up shortly.
In the same book he had also give his explanation as to how the seeing of Naadi palm leaf predictions and Performance of Shanti Deeksha - remedial reassures do not contradict each other as stated by Dr. Jayant Narlikar while giving his opinion on Naadi Prediction without experiencing it. The entire correspondence by Prof. Galatge is available in Marathi and in English in the book ‘Bodh Andhshrddhecha’
Main Function - Honouring of Naadi Shastries and Other Jyotishya Shastries of conventional methods.
High Tea was arranged for the main participants. Soon after that chief Guests took the position on the stage. They were –
1.Dr G. John Samuel, Director Institute of Asian Studies from Chennai,
2.Ms Jaya Lakshmi, Senior Researcher on Tamil palm leaf manuscripts.
3. Ex MLA of Shivsena Shri. Prakash Devle, who had constructed a mirror temple of Shri Shirdi Saibaba.
4. Dr. R.N. Shukla, Ex- scientist of National Chemical laboratory an explorer of aura of palm leaves along with British scientist.
5. Prof. Adwayanand Galatge, author of many books on parapsychology and authority on Theosophy and Modern Sciences.
6. Shri. Hira Bhai Butala, Indira Gandhi Award winner, Gandhiyan and Educationalist.
7. Smt. Pratibha Shahu Modak – Lyricist, astrologer and wife of Cine actor late Shahu Modak who was very famous for his roles as ‘Bhagwan - Shri Krishna’ in many films of fifties and sixties and renowned astrologer of his times.
Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, Padmashree award winner and Computer wizard and Naadi Lover could not attend the function due to his preoccupation with other invitation.
The Chief Naadi astrologers were honoured with 1)Trophy Gaurav Chinha as ‘Boat’, 2) Bouquet of flower, 3) Gaurav Patra - Letter of Honour indicating the service they have rendered and expected to be rendered with honesty and devotion to the god almighty - ‘Param Shiv Tatva’. and concept behind the symbolic boat and Naadi palm leaf predictions, 4) Uparna, 5 ) Photo of Agasthya Maharshi. Some of them who could not make it due various reasons were given the trophy later.
On the occasion Dr .G John Samuel spoke his contribution of making of sample Dictionary in which an extended meaning of some 100 Naadi Words were presented in a booklet form. He was surprised to see the tremendous response for the Tamil Manuscripts. He stated that in many libraries including his own institute does not possess an single leaf of Naadi Palm leaf. Ever though he had some collection of esoteric topics like Black Magic.
Given any material of palm leaves by Naadi centres, he said, his expert staff would get exposure to the cryptic script and may be in later times could be able to decipher the words and meaning more easily. Script of his address is attached as Appendix ‘F’
Resolutions passed
Before the vote of thanks by Prof. Mrs. Nutan Apte, Four resolutions were passed unanimously. They text of resolutions in Marathi is placed as Appendix ‘G’. English version will be put up shortly.
Sum up
The greetings from many Naadi lovers came in time. Some were late. The financial support given by willing Naadi lovers was overwhelming. The Naadi Maharshees will provide insight on the next happening of this type of event in future.