Part 3. Kriya Yog Kaustubh Butaal sharing his experiences...
[3/31, 8:47 PM] Kumbhar Navnath is from Gilunche village, FROM NIRA : 2015 साली मी ईश्वरनजींकडे हा च्याप्टर पाहता त्या तुम्ही जर४3 ते५0वयाच्या दरम्यान मोक्षप्राप्ती साठी प्रयत्न केले तर तुम्हाला मोक्षप्राप्ती होऊ शकते त्या पुर्वी मेडीटेशन शिकून घेण्यासाठी सांगितले. खुप सुंदर अनुभव आला होता. महर्षिआदेशानुसार जास्त काही सांगत नाही. पण great experience.
[3/31, 8:47 PM] Kumbhar Navnath is from Gilunche village, FROM NIRA : 2015 साली मी ईश्वरनजींकडे हा च्याप्टर पाहता त्या तुम्ही जर४3 ते५0वयाच्या दरम्यान मोक्षप्राप्ती साठी प्रयत्न केले तर तुम्हाला मोक्षप्राप्ती होऊ शकते त्या पुर्वी मेडीटेशन शिकून घेण्यासाठी सांगितले. खुप सुंदर अनुभव आला होता. महर्षिआदेशानुसार जास्त काही सांगत नाही. पण great experience.
[3/31, 8:54 PM] Kumbhar Navnath: सध्या क्रिया योग चालू आहे मोक्षप्राप्ती साठी विशेष प्रयत्न केले तर साध्य होत .kriyayog tya sathi best .
[3/31, 8:57 PM] Kumbhar Navnath: Mahavtar babaji tumche sagle papkarma nahishe kartat yogadware ha yog helicopter yog ahe far fast tumi moksh prapt kru shakta
[3/31, 9:03 PM] Kumbhar Navnath: सुरू वातीला अगस्ती नाडी त तुम्हाला अजून एक जन्म घ्यावा लागेल असे सांगितले पण आता मात्र त्यानी मोक्ष मिळवणे तुमच्या हातात आहे त्यासाठी त्यांनी gyankandamमधून योग्य मार्गदर्शन केले
[3/31, 9:53 PM] Vivek Choudhari: 9th chapter can counted as mini gnana kandam.
[4/1, 1:31 AM] +91 97119 05487: Thnks Vivek ji for such amazing sharing of experiences. You are a Blessed Soul

[4/1, 4:07 AM] Butala Kastubh nAVI mUMBAI: Vivek is a enlightened soul.
I know him as a close friend and Gurubandhu.
He has attained a specific very high state . One of the achievements is able to see form of divine mother in all females except your wife.
In yogic levels this is very big progress.
He is at level 3 or entry level of 4 is my understanding.
The spiritual journey is broken in 7 levels as per certain samhita. Mahashiv vakya etc.
depending on your old Karma (Previous birth) this progress pace is decided.
You may have achieved level 4 in past birth but you start with zero in this birth but based on your karma, if it is good you will achieve level 4 rapidly and then progress further.
By level 2-3 you can almost perform few miracles and definitely experience many.
What we call miracles is tuning yourself with universal energy, so what is going to happen is what you think or what you think happens.
As per some discussions and references with few readers a Saint of the stature of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is at level middle of level 5. That is a great height to achieve but not the ultimate goal.
You may attain Moksha at this level or even at level 3 or 4.
But if you are selected one then you will move to the top of level 5 or level 6 . Here further you are moving towards becoming a Siddha yourself.
Moksha is you are one with God and you are at bliss.
Siddha is one who is tasked to move the collective humanity towards moksha.
It is an honor and task for which Lord Shiva selects you. Everyone will not become one. The one who is chosen later remains in Sukshma Sharira , subtle body in Jyoti form and serves humanity .
Gnana Kandam can lead you to Moksha or Becoming a Siddha depending on your destiny.
Beware of fakes while reading it as Vivek ji has warned.
Vivek will become a Siddha in this life. He is blessed with Vak Siddhi too so is Manoj Bhai.
Both are very focussed and steady on this path.
Maharshi’s have little value for your material success and it is irrelevant on this path however as a Karma we all need to make provisions for our family.
Making the Provisions will clear your Karma as a provider. In this birth they have come to be taken care by you as you owe them the same.
The delay in your prediction could be so that you question and get answers from other experienced members on the group.
To make further progress on this path after getting gnan kandam is to learn or increase your meditation.
I have found gnan kandam at 2-3 occasions with some incidents 100% accurate, some yet to occur and some have not occurred wholly as a incidence.
Some Jeev naadi readings also were like mini gnan kandam.
I highly recommend Babu Swami ji from Nasik if you want to read gnan Kandam.
This should be read after General reading.
For the chosen ones there is a Gnan Amrut Kandam, you are a Siddha if you are able to get it. This cannot be asked for and is an automatic process. Very few get it and those are the ones with great destiny to guide humanity.
We have more than 8 Siddha’s in making on the group. They all stay silent. I know each ones Naadi readings so I am sure.
Pls don’t ask for names, time will reveal. We are all blessed to be together on this group
[4/1, 4:07 AM] Butala Kastubh Rev max: I have met my Guru through such reading. Shashikant ji was with me. After reading he took me to the Ashram.
Initially, I was sceptical.
I was told I will remember something of past birth related to Shivaji Maharaj that happened in my presence and same time my Guru was also present.
I went blank in past for 4-5 seconds after meeting him.
I recollected that incident.
It all tallied with other readings of why I was renovating the first fort built by Shivaji Maharaj named Pratapgad.
Name of Guru: Gurunath Siddhanath.
Royal heritage and a rich person who left all to follow the path of Mahavtar Babaji.
Gurunath Siddhanath.
He teaches Kriya Yoga.
Great spiritual experiences followed.
When my Guru initiated me my whole body shivered and i felt strange currents flowing through body.
My life changed rapidly after that.
[4/1, 4:07 AM] Butala Kastubh Rev max: About seeing God Goddess we can only see them in Jyoti Swaroop if we are very lucky . If it is your destiny then indication will come in gnan kandam.
As Vivek ji rightly said Darshan is very very Rate phenomenon. 1 in crores and crores of human beings.
[4/1, 4:11 AM] Butala Kastubh Rev max: For all serious seekers reading Autobiography of Yogi by Yoganand ji is best thing to do .
[4/1, 4:11 AM] Butala Kastubh Rev max: You will learn all about Kriya Yoga and Mahavtar Babaji